Mac and me full movie 1988
Mac and me full movie 1988

mac and me full movie 1988
mac and me full movie 1988

I haven’t even gotten a chance to tell you about the aliens themselves. It might just be the single coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a movie.


Tacky standards are raised to even higher levels as Eric and Mac flee from the place, and the whole dance ensemble follows them out into the parking lot (!), continuing with their Pied Piper herky jerky. If you look closely enough, you’ll see one normal couple trying to enjoy their Chicken McNuggets at a table all while feeling like outcast freaks because nobody taught them the correct dance steps. Little kids, football players, ballerinas, adults, McDonald’s staff, Mac - they’re all thrashing about to some synth-pop tune like it’s the most natural thing in the world to be doing. It all starts innocently enough, but before you know it - and for pretty much no reason at all - the entire place has erupted into a massive synchronized dance number.

mac and me full movie 1988

So he throws Mac into a giant teddy bear suit, tells everyone that the bear has advanced “microchips” (I love the ’80s attitude about anything computerized), and takes Mac with him to McDonald’s for a birthday party.

mac and me full movie 1988

Speaking of which, at one point, Eric decides he can’t leave Mac at home, or the government will get him. There’s always something goofy going on in every scene, from government agents in three-piece suits chasing down a kid on a wheelchair in the middle of a busy street to Mac’s repeated attempts at home decorating. Surprisingly, Mac and Me kept me pretty entertained, despite being a rip-off. I’m not really sure I’d ever want to meet aliens who derive 95% of their nutrition from a sugar buzz and caffeine overdose, but if I did, I would be sure to shake any cans I gave them vigorously before backing up and making a dash for safety. I don’t know how many takes it took for the actor playing Eric to say the line “Coca-Cola must be like what they drink on their home world!” without falling into hysterics, but I bet it had to be in the triple digits. This film is a haven for conversations about and shots of Coca-Cola, Skittles, and McDonald’s. The second claim to fame is Mac and Me’s shameless product placement. Okay, maybe the last thing wasn’t in E.T., but you can’t prove that it wasn’t between one of the scenes! The first is that it’s a blatant copy of E.T., including having a stranded alien looking for his family, the single mom raising two boys who harbors said alien, a death and miracle resurrection, government agents trying to capture the thing, and Ronald McDonald hosting a magic show. Mac and Me is most famous for two things, neither of which are being a good film. I’ll just retreat to the internet to get it off my chest. To my further astonishment, I was expressly forbidden to openly mock this movie in her presence, which turns out would have been hard anyway - it was difficult to hear above the sounds of her feminine cooing and delighted giggles. When the opening credits started up, she was already doing the weird alien thing that the critters do, where they hold up cupped hands and whistle like wobbly construction workers trying to put the moves on birds. She grew up on this film and knows it by heart. It turns out that my lovable yet eccentric spouse is a closet Mac and Me fanatic. So it was with some large measure of surprise that my wife happily agreed to watch Mac and Me without any persuasion on my behalf.


Some movies, such as Gymkata set me back two months or more, depending on the professional therapy required afterward. You see, I can usually expect my wife to consent to watch what she calls one of my “bad movies” about once a month, maximum. Justin’s review: Today was a weird day in my household. It’s not prone to being the town’s hottest dance scene. Justin’s rating: See, my McDonald’s is usually staffed by depressed teenagers, empty nest mothers and senior citizens lugging around an oxygen tank. Summary Capsule: DRINK COCA-COLA! There, where’s my $1 million in advertising dollars? Tagline: Out of this world and into your heart. The Scoop: 1988 PG, directed by Stewart Raffill and starring Christine Ebersole, Jonathan Ward, and Jade Calegory

Mac and me full movie 1988